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Kyla Lupo
Jul 28, 2015
Dear woman at the party who insisted that I was much prettier now then 3 years ago and ...
... that if I lost another 30 pounds I'd be a real knockout. Fuck you. Pardon my language, but I don’t think anything else truly sums it...
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 22, 2015
Dear everyone who continues to talk on their phone while trying to order or checkout:
If I could, I would refuse you service. Permanently. Everywhere. I hope you like delivery- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 17, 2015
Dear woman walking in the left lane of the race scrolling facebook and talking loudly on your phone,
I can’t even. (((silence))) kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 15, 2015
Dear Harris Teeter store employee who decided to label an entire section of beverages “New Age
Can I get Yanni in a Bottle? If not, this is false advertising. searchingly, kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 13, 2015
Dear woman in a terribly trendy short suit thing walking through the parking talking on speakerphone
I think the internet has ruined our ability to sound fancy, appear cultured, and look like we know a lot about food. De-soul-e-e, kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 10, 2015
Dear woman who went to the bathroom and came out ...
wearing an amazingly beautiful green sparkly mermaid dress: I. LOVE. IT. all of it. can we be friends?- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 7, 2015
Dear Jon Snow in the last scene of the 10th episode of season 5 of Game of Thrones,
tearfully, kyla:(
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 6, 2015
Dear anyone who doesn’t read the entire e-mail before replying and asks questions that are ans
If you are wondering why I didn’t reply, it’s because I have no time. I’m busy reading e-mails in their entirety. fondly, kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 3, 2015
Dear men who condescendingly say they can’t let a woman hold the door for them,
It’s not that hard. Give it a try. still holding, kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jul 1, 2015
Dear old guy wearing too big overalls and a stained t-shirt poorly filling an old school metal gas c
I seriously hope you don’t smoke. combustingly- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 29, 2015
Dear moms talking so loudly at the tea house about how you’re not taking your kids to Ocean Ci please note that Maryland does not even appear on this collection....
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 26, 2015
Dear woman at Whole Foods who asked for directions to the Starbucks that is 2 blocks away that I had
These streets are kind of confusing because they are one-way in weird places. And the roundabout in the middle doesn’t help. Sorry, kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 24, 2015
Dear very old looking man in shorts and a tank top who smelled like a tube of Ben Gay and beat me up
You, sir, have quite a pair of balls and I salute you. admiringly- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 22, 2015
Dear women running at my pace during a 5K and having a normal conversation for the entire race,
SO. JEALOUS. (gasp) thanks (huge inhale), kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 19, 2015
Dear woman running a 5K with a chihuahua in 85 degree heat,
How’s that working out for you? good luck- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 17, 2015
Dear woman being a totally uncalled-for raging bitch to the barista at Starbucks,
If I was making that Frappacino, there would definitely be some spit in it. just sayin’- kyla:)
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Kyla Lupo
Jun 15, 2015
Dear everyone who passes me on the right when I’m all the way over in the slowest slow lane of
Don’t think I won’t clothesline you. I can only take so much. I can’t pull over any further- kyla:)
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